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IoT Evolution World: A Year into Solving Challenges at the Edge of the IoT, EdgeX Foundry Celebrates

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EdgeX Foundry has made significant progress in its first year and has reached engagement on a global scale from countries such as the United Kingdom, South Korea, Serbia, Spain, Tunisia, Canada, Israel, Germany and Japan. More than 200 people from member companies join weekly and quarterly face-to-face meetings to align on project goals, develop working groups and identify project maintainers and committers across key functional areas. This month, EdgeX Foundry welcomes the addition of five new members, including Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP), ETRIISSAT MateurSamsung SDS and Volterra.

Read more at IoT Evolution World Civil Infrastructure Platform Takes Open Source to an Industrial Scale

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One of the less discussed uses for open source software is actually in the role that it plays for industrial-scale hardware. Whereas power plants, factories, and other large infrastructure projects were once ruled over nearly entirely by operational technology (OT) control systems, in recent years, information technology — built on open source software — has been making its way onto the scene in an increasingly significant way.

Additionally, another surprising fact is that the this push to use open source in complex hardware operations has been embraced by industry leaders. One company helping to lead the charge is Siemens, one of the world’s largest producers of hardware devices, Siemens. Siemens plays an active role in advancing open source in the industrial space, with a focus on making open source security a priority for development, in part through their involvement in the Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP) initiative.


Linuxgizmos: Civil Infrastructure Platform wants Linux to save civilization

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At the Embedded Linux Conference conference, Civil Infrastructure Platform contributor Yoshitake Kobayashi talks about the CIP project’s progress in bringing a 10-year SLTS Linux kernel to the world of power plants and transportation systems.

“The Civil Infrastructure Platform is the most conservative of The Linux Foundation projects,” began Yoshitake Kobayashi at the recent Embedded Linux Conference in Portland. Yet, if any eyelids started fluttering shut in anticipation of an afternoon nap, they quickly opened when he added: “It may also be the most important to the future of civilization.”

Read more at Linuxgizmos. Civil Infrastructure Platform Sets Out to Save Civilization

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“The Civil Infrastructure Platform is the most conservative of The Linux Foundation projects,” began Yoshitake Kobayashi at the recent Embedded Linux Conference in Portland. Yet, if any eyelids started fluttering shut in anticipation of an afternoon nap, they quickly opened when he added: “It may also be the most important to the future of civilization.”

Read more at Super long-term kernel support

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ome years ago, prominent community leaders doubted that even short-term stable maintenance of kernel releases was feasible. More recently, selecting an occasional kernel for a two-year maintenance cycle has become routine, and some kernels, such as 3.2 under the care of Ben Hutchings, have received constant maintenance for as much as six years. But even that sort of extended maintenance is not enough for some use cases, as Yoshitake Kobayashi explained in his Embedded Linux Conference talk. To meet those needs, the Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP) project is setting out to maintain releases for a minimum of 20 years.


CNXSOFT: Embedded Linux Conference & IoT Summit 2018 Schedule

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The Embedded Linux Conference 2018 and the OpenIoT Summit 2018 will jointly take place next month, on March 12 – 14, 2018 in Portland, Oregon, USA. The former is a “vendor-neutral technical conference for companies and developers using Linux in embedded products”, while the latter is a “technical conference for the developers and architects working on industrial IoT”. The Linux Foundation has already published the schedule, and it’s always useful to learn what will be discussed about even for people who won’t attend.

Read more at CNXSOFT.

Linuxgizmos: Mar. 12-14 Embedded Linux Conference sessions to cover Real-Time Linux, RISC-V, Zephyr, and more

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The Linux Foundation has released a speaker list for the Embedded Linux Conference + OpenIoT Summit, to be held Mar. 12-14 in Portland. We’ve highlighted 10 sessions to look out for.

It’s time once again for that grand gathering of embedded Linux geeks known as the Embedded Linux Conference (ELC), as well as the co-located, non-Linux specific OpenIoT Summit. In this article, we take a closer look at the conference schedule, with keynotes and sessions you won’t want to miss.

Read more at Linuxgizmos.

IoT Evolution World: Smart City IoT Infrastructure: Moxa Joins Linux Foundation’s CIP Community

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Two global trends are converging and they will transform the way people live their lives.  One of them is the Internet of Things (IoT) – the increasing proliferation of internet connected, ‘smart’ devices.  Gartner estimates there will be 20 billion such devices by 2020 in homes, factories and cities.

Coupled with this is the increasing global need for civil infrastructure.  Countries like the US have large, aging infrastructure that must be modernized or replaced and emerging markets, like China, have a growing need for new infrastructure.

Read more at IoT Evolution World.