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Electronics Weekly: Embedded World: Industrial MPUs with 10 year Linux support

By February 25, 2019February 28th, 2019In the News

The four new RZ/G2 MPUs are supported by the Renesas RZ/G Linux Platform for industrial applications, bringing increased performance, reliability, security, and long-term software support to mission-critical applications as well as standard applications with high quality requirements.

The RZ/G2 MPUs feature a combination of high-performance 64-bit MPUs, a comprehensive set of integrated interfaces, error checking and correction (ECC) protection on both internal and external memories, and a full Verified Linux Package (VLP) featuring a Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP) Super Long-Term Support (SLTS) Linux kernel, bundled with a software development environment that binds safety, security, and reliability across the software and hardware.

Read more at Electronics Weekly.